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UPS/Purolator/Canada Posts are closed on Monday September 30th for a national holiday. Orders will ship on Tuesday!



The Alpy 600 and Demetra software (developed by Shelyak Instrument for the ALPY 600 spectrograph) will allow you to produce spectra scientifically exploitable.
The Alpy 600 opens the doors to Astrophysics : explore different types of stellar objects (stars, galaxies, nebulae, planets, comets, and more), compare the different spectral types, observe absorption and emission lines, see how (some) stars evolve from one day to the other – the possibilities are limitless.
The Alpy 600 is performant, modular, compact (few cm long), and easy to use slit spectroscope . These specifications make it ideal to get started in astronomical spectroscopy… but not only. This real scientific instrument, and will be with you for a long time.
Its Resolution Power (R=600) allows it to cover all the visible domain and even more (from 375nm in the near UV to 750 nm in the near IR). You will be able to distinguish many details in the spectral profile. The resolution is of 1nm. The dispersing element is a grism, that is the combination of a prism and a diffraction grating (600t/mm).
The slit allows to isolate a fringe of the light source. It brings several advantages: we isolate the object which we wish to observe, we can work on extended objects (nebulae, planets), we can make spectra of calibration light… thanks to the slit, the quality of the spectrum becomes independent from observing conditions (seeing, problems of telescope tracking, and so on). Alpy 600 is delivered with several exchangeable slits (see photo on the left), to cover numerous situations of observation.
The compactness and the lightness of the Alpy 600 make it compatible with small instruments (telescope from 80mm of diameter), on modest mounts. You will reach faint objects in a few minutes (even a few seconds) of exposure time.
The optics of Alpy 600 was specially designed to give the best image quality, on the whole visible domain, with a large aperture ( F/4). You will be surprised with the quantity of information you can extract from a so small spectroscope! This quality is such as numerous scientific publications are based on observations with the Alpy 600.