SBIG STC-7 Mono Complete Scientific CMOS Camera

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Take stunning astrophotos with this all-inclusive imaging package. The SBIG STC-7 features an ultra-sensitive and low noise 7 megapixel cooled CMOS sensor, integrated 8 position filter wheel, plus a complete set of LRGB and narrowband filters, and an opaque filter for convenience in making dark frames.
You can easily connect the STC-7 to your telescope via either the front T-Thread mount or the included 2″ focuser adapter. The integrated filter wheel design ensures minimal back-focus distance for maximum compatibility.
The STC-7 package also includes MaxIm LT for Windows – all the software you need to take images, calibrate, stack, and do essential image processing. Other software is supported via included ASCOM drivers. Mac OS and Linux drivers are also available.
For even better results, the STC-7 is compatible with our SBIG StarChaser SC-2 off-axis guide camera. The StarChaser also supports the SBIG AO-8A adaptive optics accessory, which helps you get pinpoint star images.
The STC-7 represents a major step forward in imaging technology, utilizing the SONY IMX-428 CMOS imaging sensor. Compared to our venerable STF-8300 CCD cameras, the STC-7 has higher sensitivity, lower read noise, and much faster readout. It produces extremely clean images with few hot pixels.
Due to the extremely low read noise and fast readout, the STC-7 is best used with shorter sub-exposures than for comparable CCD cameras. A typical sub-exposure will be only 30-60 seconds, versus 5-10 minutes, while still achieving the same or better noise performance and overall dynamic range after stacking. This has many advantages including the ability to take unguided exposures without trailing. It can also be used for lunar and planetary imaging at high resolution, given its high sensitivity, wide exposure range, and fast readout.
The STC-7 is optimal for telescopes having a focal length of 1000 to 1500 mm. Longer focal lengths can be used for lunar and planetary imaging.
Sensor Specifications:
The STC-7 supports several optional gain modes:
The STC-7 scientific CMOS camera features Stack Pro™, a revolutionary feature that performs image stacking inside the camera.
While the IMX428 sensor has dynamic range on a par with its CCD predecessor, it is limited to 12 bit data (0-4095). At the same time it also has far lower read noise, which means you can stack many more shorter exposures without degrading signal-to-noise ratio. As great as this sounds it does result in a lot of extra disk usage and post-processing.
Stack Pro™ performs the stacking automatically, inside the camera. It automatically subdivides your exposure into up to 16 individual sub-exposures, and stacks them inside the camera prior to download. This eliminates the excessive amounts of data cluttering up your hard drive.
As an example, by stacking 16 sub-exposures inside the camera you can get:
For comparison, our STF-8300M CCD camera sports typical read noise of 9.3 e-, with a full well depth of 25,000 e-. In the medium gain 16X stack mode, the STC-7 has similar read noise and yet has over six times the dynamic range!
The SBIG STC-7 astronomy camera is a complete imaging system – just add telescope! The system includes:
All SBIG cameras come with our MaxIm LT software – a $200 value! MaxIm LT is a special version of our venerable MaxIm DL software that provides complete control of your camera, filter wheel, and autoguider, plus advanced image processing capabilities. If you wish you can upgrade to MaxIm DL Pro to get complete observatory integration and even more processing and analysis capabilities.
A/D Converter | 12-bit |
Adaptive Optics Option | AO-8A via StarChaser SC-2 |
Sensor Size | 14.4 mm X 9.9 mm |
Computer Interface | USB 3.0 |
Cooling Delta | 30 °C |
Dark Current e/p/s at 0 C | < 1 e-/p/s @ 0C |
Exposure | 0.001 – 3600 seconds |
Filter Wheel Option | Built-in 8 position |
Full Frame Download | 50 ms |
Imaging Sensor | IMX428 |
Imaging / Pixel Array | 3208 x 2200 pixels |
OAG Option | StarChaser SC-2 |
Peak QE | 78% typical |
Pixel Size | 4.5 x 4.5 micron |
Power | 12VDC, 4A max |
Read Noise | 2.5 e- typical |
Temperature Regulation | Yes |
Total Pixels | 7.1 megapixel |
Shutter | Global Shutter (electronic), Opaque Slot on Filter Wheel for Dark Frames |
Weight | 2 lbs |
Binning Modes | 1×1, 2×2 |
OS Compatibility | Windows 7, 8, 10 x86/x64, MacOS 10.14 “Mojave” x86 binaries, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS x64, Raspbian Buster armhf, Ubuntu MATE arm64 |
This Excel spreadsheet helps you calculate backfocus distance for your system. If you do not have Excel it can be uploaded into Google Sheets.
STC uses the DL Imaging driver package. Download the latest drivers and camera configuration utility.
DownloadCamera owners can request a MaxIm LT license here (camera serial number required):
LinkTo get started immediately, request the full MaxIm DL Pro demo version here (click Demo tab):
LinkOnce you receive your MaxIm LT license, simply replace your demo license using Help menu Enter License.
Available by request. Please post in our support forum, Aluma section:
LinkAvailable by request. Please post in our support forum, Aluma section: